Last April, PokerCollectif spoke you of the new legal poker room in New Jersey, Ultimate Poker.
As supplementary information, Ultimate Poker is owned by Fertitta Interactive LLC (MMA fans will recognize this name).
Fertitta began to develop Ultimate Poker after the acquisition of CyberArts Licensing LLC in October.
Recently, Ultimate Poker announced its new variant to meet demand and aimed at an audience target: Two Street Poker.
How to play this variant? Very simple and very similar to Hold'em ' conventional em. The only difference is that instead of out the flop, turn and river separately, the dealer immediately released the 5 community cards after the preflop action. For the rest, everything is identical. So, instead of the action on the flop, the turn and the River, is that bet on the River (preflop). Then there is a showdown, the best hand wins.
The idea comes from Chris Danek, Poker Product Manager at Ultimate Poker. In his words, this variant is for players who do not like too fold preflop.
He said: "I want to create a game that gives people the same joy and fun that provides Hold'em without the unnecessary is to lie." Because who wants to look another guy think about it for five minutes? »
For more details on this variant, you can visit the Ultimate Poker website.
What is this new variant will be a big success or not? Hard to say.
Obviously, since there are fewer decisions to make in one hand, skills share is less because there is less likely to make mistakes. But this variant could, however, be of interest to some amateur players or beginners and give them the taste later to play poker on a regular basis (and perhaps, later, to play "real" poker).
And you, what do you think of this new variant? To play you?
You can discuss on PokerCollectif forums: Ultimate Poker presents its Two Street Hold'em