You are familiar with the regulations; you know by heart the rank of each hand in the Hold'Em. you play addressing your most compelling "pokerface"... but you don't know what strategy! Quite normal! To borrow a famous phrase: "the Hold'Em: a minute to learn, a lifetime to master. The purpose of this article is that you can quickly learn the basic and, thus, do not take a lifetime to... begin!
Hold'Em is a game situation. It is often very difficult to find 'the right way' to play a hand in particular. Poker is a game of incomplete information, and an experienced player will often recognize situations more quickly. You will become world champion step by reading this article, but you can at least drastically accelerate your development as a player, and you will be able to at least have an advantage over your friends who are just beginning to play poker!
For people who are just beginning to play, I advise you first familiarize yourself with the rules of the game and the rank of hands. Go play a little game with 'of fake money' on the internet: 99%, not to say 100%, sites offer a "play money" that will absolutely cost you nothing, and will allow you to have fun without risking anything. You can even play in various free roll, which are actually free tournaments where the site offers real cash prizes! When you are comfortable with the regulations and the rank of hands, return to this article...
... Good... you're there? Are you ready to begin?
In this article, I have listed various common errors that I fall into various categories. Maybe some of you already avoid some of these mistakes "intuitively": bravo to you! Some will be absolutely all these errors, without exception. Don't worry: you're not provided under talented! These errors, I have all facts before becoming a winning player, and many players have all facts also!
Poker is well cruel: sometimes you can have played a hand to perfection, and you may have lost the biggest pot of your life; other times, you may have played a hand in committing several errors, and you can have nevertheless gained your biggest pot. That is why poker learning is learning that is long. When you were small, your mother probably told you "do not put your hand on the oven-ring: it's hot and you're going to burn you! Some are approached is handmade, felt the heat, then had already learned the lesson. Others have simply put hand directly on the round, themselves are burned, and have never redone it! HAAAA... If poker was like that, it would become all quickly good players! Suffice to burn once, and cannot be that it makes a mistake. Some themselves would burn several times, and then blaseraient to suffer... and would quickly understand that this game is not made for them! On the other hand, sometimes, Poker, a bad player may be rewarded for reckless... is what is called the luck factor, or the variance for those having a mathematical mind. This variance, she will make you rager by time. You have beautiful be theoretically very early, the side poker gambling will jump you sometimes face to remind you wildly. So it's very difficult to know "what works" and "what does not work" because we simply forget some results (both positive and negative). In the long term, all players will have the same maps: the difference between winners and losers is explained therefore not by chance, but by how you play your cards. You will not learn experience in a night... so it is complex to identify the majority of the errors after flop, because situations can be counted in hundreds of thousands! That is why the majority of the identified errors are errors preflop: it is at this time that the novice player will have interest in improving his game to become a winning player.