3.7 - regulations governing the Equalities

Notes: These regulations are drawn from the "Robert's Rules of Poker" and translated from English to french by PokerCollectif. It is the latest version (version 11). These regulations are used in most casinos around the world and are, for the most part, compatible with the rules of the TDA.
You can download the entire document by clicking on the following link: (to come soon)

3.7 rules governing equality

1. the classification of colors is, in descending order: spade, heart, diamond, clover. The color of the card is never used to break a tie to win a pot. Colors are used to break a tie between cards of the same value instead of re - stir and redistribute the cards.

2 give a card to each player serves, for example, to determine which player moves to another table. If the cards are dealt, the order of cards is clockwise starting with the first player to the left of the dealer (the button position is irrelevant). Draw a card is used to, for example, determine who gets the button in a new part.

3. If the exact split pot is impossible, there is a rest composed an "indivisible" said token. An indivisible token is defined to be the smallest unit used in the part.

4. no player may receive more than one indivisible token.

5. in the event of a tie between two or more hands, the indivisible token will be awarded as follows:
(a) in part with button, the player who ends up closest to the button in a clockwise direction;
((b) b) in a part of Stud, to the highest card taking into account the color in the "Stud High" parties and the smaller map taking into account the color in the parties 'Stud-low' (the determination of this map, all the cards are used, and not only the five cards constituting the player's hand).
(c) in a high-low game, the player with the high hand. Tie between both hands high or two low hands, refer to the two preceding rules depending on the variant of poker played.
(d) the side pots and the main pot will be treated individually, and not not mixed together.