2.2 - regulations governing procedures

Notes: These regulations are drawn from the "Robert's Rules of Poker" and translated from English to french by PokerCollectif. It is the latest version (version 11). These regulations are used in most casinos around the world and are, for the most part, compatible with the rules of the TDA.
You can download the entire document by clicking on the following link: (to come soon)

2.2 regulations governing procedures

1. one person can play a hand.

2. nobody is allowed to play another player tokens.

3. the House decides when must start or close a part.

4. the rights to participate in the part (rights of Chair) must be paid in advance. In the parts where a law is applicable, the dealer must collect the right to each player before the distribution of the cards. A player who does not wish to pay the fee can play a shot of courtesy in Stud, and play up the button in variants with blinds, as long as no player is waiting list. If there is more than one person in the waiting list when the right is due, all players must pay the fee. The right is not due for a new player if the waiting list has one or no player.

5. the cash is not allowed on the table. This money should be transformed into tokens to be considered in play. If a player seems to ignore this rule and try to play with money in cash that he had before him during a hand unless he has pointed, the dealer may allow him to put into play if no opponent has no objection, then to change money in chips at the end of the hand. The tokens from other institutions are devoid of any value. They are prohibited to the table and if they are discovered, they will be treated as non-signaliees cash money. [See "Section 16 -"Explanations, discussion #5"for more information on this rule."]

6. cash and tokens may be removed for safety reasons when a player leaves the table. Despite the fact that the House will do everything in its possible to protect an absent player tokens, the House cannot be held responsible for the decrease or loss of chips left on the table during the absence of the player. The chips subtracted from the game during the absence of the player should be fully recovered in his return game.

7. If a player returns to the game within the hour of his departure, his buy-in must be equal to the amount withdrawn at the time that he left the party.

8. all parties are deemed be "issues on table"(sauf quand le joueur n'a pas encore reçu ses jetons, tel qu'indiqué dans la règle suivante). Only the chips before the player at the beginning of the hand are deemed be involved, except the tokens purchased by a player and who have not always been received. The amount of the purchase must be announced to the table, otherwise only the minimum buy-in will be considered be at stake. Knowledge of the amount involved for each player is an important element in poker. All tokens and cash should be kept prominently.

9 play without having some "issues on table' is allowed only when a player has bought tokens, and these have not always been received. The amount involved shall be announced to the table, otherwise only the minimum buy-in will be considered be at stake.

10 play from a chip tray is not allowed.

11. a player can sit at a table without have had prior permission.

12 play at the headquarters of another player without having been authorized by a supervisor is prohibited. A plastic box used to cover and protect the absent player tokens should be used. The permission of the absent player is not necessary.

13 resume his bets in a pot is forbidden (for example, in the situation where two players make an arrangement to resume their implementation when one of them wins a pot in which the other player is present).

14 resume an ante, or pay an ante to the account of another player is prohibited...

15. it is forbidden to share by mutual agreement a pot. Take its blinds so that all players involved in the hand (except the small blind and the big blind) folded is allowed in variants with button.

16. the proposals for insurance are prohibited. Distribute two (or three) times of community cards is permitted when the players are all in and the stakes are high.

17. the limit of betting which had been agreed when the game began will not be able to be changed if two players or more object. The House must approve the change of limit.

18. players must keep their cards well in sight, i.e. above the level of the table and without leaving the table limits. Cards should not be covered by the hands to hide them completely.

19. players are entitled to a clear view of the tokens of their opponents. Tokens of higher denominations should be easily visible.

20. your chips may be removed from the table if you are absent for more than 30 minutes, unless you have made prior arrangement with a supervisor.Frequent absences may result in the withdrawal of your chips from the table.

21. in a new game, an absent player will see its place assigned to another player from the queue after 5 minutes. No place can be kept for longer than 10 minutes if a player is waiting to play.

22. a new set of cards must be used for at least one full turn before it can be changed and the configuration of the game (the set of two packets with a different color back) should be used for at least one hour, unless a game is defective, damaged or if the cards become sticky.

23. it is forbidden to take knowledge of cards discarded, burned, or as part of the package.

24. after a hand, the dealer shall not show what (s) map (s) would have been given if the hand had continued (called "rabbit hunting")

25. the player must pay attention to the part and not to delay. Any activity interfering to this rule, such as reading at the table, is not encouraged and the offending player could be asked to cease its activity if it delays the part.

26. a player cannot be seated at the table.

27. in parts that are not the tournaments, you can have a guest sitting behind you if no other player objects. It is inappropriate for a guest to watch hands other than yours.

28.S' speak one foreign language (other than the local language or English) during a hand is not allowed.