This weekend, Viktor Blom aka Isildur1 redid talk of him winning 1, $6M on Full Tilt Poker tables. This 1, $6M, $883K comes from the pockets of Phil "OMGClayAiken" Galfond. Two PLO highstakes players fought a long battle on 4 tables $ 300 / $ 600 for 12 hours.
For Viktor, this gain will be welcome, who was until last Saturday, in 1 red, 7 M$ for the month of March. His day yesterday will be what make him forget this bad start.
In the end, Viktor thus won $ 883,000 against Galfond in 5200 hands. Although Viktor has dominated Phil, it is still Phil who won the biggest pots.
For example, in a 4 bet pot, Galfond is in position with 7h9h4hJh on 3dJc2d. Viktor AsQdKdAc and Phil call donkbet. The turn is a 7 s and Viktor donkbet again. Phil raise and both players revive to be all-in. Viktor has an overpaire with several prints. Two rivers are drawn, each time Galfond benefit that manages to avoid the many outs of Blom. He won a pot of 240K.
We assume that Phil may wish to take his revenge very soon and it would be no surprise to review both players this week at Full Tilt Poker for a round 2.
In addition to money he earned against Galfond, Blom has won $ 673,735 in 2543 hands 8-games and Triple Draw at 2K / 4K.
It will be interesting to see how the days to follow for the month of March will go for Isildur1.
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