In Britain the game goes before the vegetables

roulette2.jpgNew Government statistics published in January showed that the average British family spends more money in a week to the game than on the purchase of vegetables fresh or holiday spending.

roulette2.jpgNew Government statistics published in January showed that the average British family spends more money in a week to the game than on the purchase of vegetables fresh or holiday spending.

Don Foster, former Professor of science and now critic for culture, sport and media comments:

"These figures are a reminder of the important need for services and adequate funding against gambling in this country. British citizens have the right to spend their hard earned money how they want, but with so much money spent at the game, we need to ensure that adequate support is available for those who need it."

"Tessa Jowell (Minister responsible for - Beltway) says that the new laws on the game would have failed if gambling had increased, but it is impossible to judge if we know not even how many people are currently processed"

"The Government has left the industry neglecting its responsibilities and should now use the powers granted the game (Gambling Act) Act to ensure that aid gambling services are adequately funded"



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