This week, PokerCollectif spoke you of a young man who must spend a lifetime behind bars.
Today, we learn that another man will probably also be a good part of his life in prison. It comes to Achilleas Kallakis, 44 years Greek poker player, accused of embezzling the sum of...740 million British pounds (the equivalent of more than US $ 1 billion)!
The embezzlement took place between 2003 and 2008 and Kallakis would have is with his partner Alexander Williams.
Via a Hong Kong-based company, the two men forged acts of guarantee for the Bank's loans greater than the purchase price of the properties. The businessmen then used money recovered through fraud for personal purposes. Thus, they bought 16 properties in Great Britain including the headquarters of the Daily Telegraph.
The two men have also borrowed £ 26 million from the Bank of Scotland with the aim of turning a ferry in yacht.
After the office fraud of Great Britain in charge of the investigation, former poker player and his accomplice have also used money to mount a drivers in Bentley company, to buy a private jet, a helicopter, a yacht in Monaco and a collection of works of art of great value.
The authorities investigate this matter since 2009. The two men decided to plead not guilty to the charges. The verdict will be rendered even today. In addition to a heavy prison sentence to consider, the two men seen seize several already.
Kallakis is known to be included in this famous video (see below) in which we see a big hand at the Party Poker European Open III.
As soon as we have more details in this case, we will keep you informed.
In the meantime, discuss this news on PokerCollectif forums: poker player diverted more than $ 1 billion
Mise-à-jour: Kallakis comes to know his sentence and must spend the next 7 years in prison. 16 of its properties will be also entered.