Ben Laden badbeat

The "black friday" was a bad pass for several players on PokerCollectif. An event of the kind, it's like a badbeat on a poker table. It is part of the game, but let's say that you would rather avoid them. But comfort you, because it could have been worse, as in the case of Oussama Ben Laden.

According to some sources, the "black friday" is partly responsible for his death in the proper sense of the term.


For nearly 10 years, the U.S. Government is looking for Oussama Ben Laden, the prime suspect of the September 11, 2001 attacks as we know.

According to rumor, this a few years ago, the CIA had captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was the senior operations chief for Al-Qaeda, the terrorist group which was Ben Laden. It was in other words a combine of Ben Laden. Important detail: this man was also a poker player. This would have been confirmed by Faraj al-Libi.

Where I am getting? Wait a little more.

In August 2010, the CIA received information that Ben Laden was in a House reclusive in Pakistan even though they had no precise idea of the location of this House.

In the events that led to the seizure of domain names at the April 15, 2011, the CIA received the details on all banking transactions between the United States and Pakistan. According to rumors, U.S. Army would have found allier Ben Laden with this information and, by the same fact, located the place where Ben Laden was. It is the Navy SEAL "Team Six" who was responsible for the operation.

As in poker, when our opponents have too much information about us, it is they who end up by having the top and we "owner".


This rumor has not been confirmed by the US Army.

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