Would you like to start online poker? Or just have $ 100 more in your bankroll? Of course you want free money!
PokerCollectif offers you the chance to win $ 100 on Espacejeux! To participate, you have to like PokerCollectif on Facebook and join the contest on this page. Share the contest with your friends for extra chances to win!
It's so easy!
The participant must be a resident of Quebec and 18 years of age or older. The contest ends at midnight September 30, 2013. The winner will be selected randomly.
Good boker at all!
Poker Strategy
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New book: Jonathan Little on the cash games lives
in Review of book
A new book just published by D & B: Jonathan Little We Live No-Limit Cash Games 2 - The practice As you will have divine, the 400-page book deals for cash games lives, but in a very practical way. What we mean by "practice" is that it is the presentation of…