By Tommy Angelo
When we play our A game, we win more money d. And c is what j s improving to be on top. Now, work our game C is what j call work its "downs". Let me ask you: what are your winnings when you play your most evil?
C is the energy you spend to improve your performance. We work our approach to the bankroll, but we work mainly to play our A game. And when we play our A game, we win more money d. And c is what j s improving to be on top. Now, work our game C is what j call work its "downs". Let me ask you: what are your winnings when you play your most evil?
Probably - 2BB per hour?
OK. So, work on his game, c C is work so that when you play your C game, you lose only a BB per hour for example. Or less. When you work your A game, you earn more. When you work your C game, you will lose less. But generally, we are more working our A game since we l use most often. So, I want to tell you here c is that, don't take all your energy to work on your A game, but spend in a bit to work your C game.
What looks a C?
Well, the classic is that you're losing and you try to make up for these losses. You play more hands before the flop, etc. You must recognize this fact; When you're losing and tiltes, you play too loose. Working his C game would mean: when I'm losing, I have to play more tight.
What other d?
The Lady. The Lady influence some people to play their game C. To play it when it is tired, when l was too early, play too long, etc. The fact type on l aquarium. I know I'm not the only one to do so when I read the chat window
That j would like to say to you is that you should never laugh at the other players at your table. If you do this, you make them two things. 1: play better. 2: leave the table.
I'll give you an example.
You tell your friend that is hit on the head with a hammer d stop banging on the head with a hammer because he could be wrong. C is well.
You say to your friend who is hit on the head with a hammer d stop banging on the head with a hammer because it could damage the hammer. C is bad. Same Board, different reason. C is the same when you tap on l aquarium. If you see a player you think are silly at the table and you want to tell him to simply share your judgement, the reason is not valid. The player who is not very good is perhaps a mere passenger of poker and I will not treat people in this way.
When you take a look at you, you do it without distortion and illusion. You should be able to leave yourself to evaluate you objectively. For example, driving a vehicle is something tiltant. Some people will be nervous and aggressive, others will be more calm and understanding. The correct way to look at is to be able to see our strengths and our weaknesses. We have not need to be always perfect and always improve ourselves, only d be objective on the look that we throw ourselves. You only need to say for example, I have hunger. And you say that there is something wrong with it.
Your opponent. See it as play golf. If you play golf and you hit the ball on a tree, you n will not go screaming to l tree qu it is idiot and what it should be elsewhere. It must accept this fact. Do the same with your opponents. Accept them. Do you not emotionally involved against your opponents.
And now, how you see your game. Be aware that you have several types of game. A game. B game. C game. Do not pretend that you still play your A game. Need to be aware of. It must be capable of assessing his opponents to learn, s they may or may not place big bluffs to some places, but you also need to know whether or not you are the kind of player to make these kinds of bluffs.
Now that you have learned a little more about the "right view", I hope that the next time that you tell me a hand, it will look for this:
Hi Tommy! Yesterday j played a part of NLHE $ 1 / $2. J had DD UTG. J opened at $ 8 and everyone has folde until to the big blind who called. My intuition about this player is that it was probably a losse player but it n had not yet lost lot of money on one hand. The flop fell A62 and my opponent checked. I n was not too worried as it has an ACE or not because I thought qu focusing, I should know. So j decided to bet $ 15. He reflected for a moment and calla. I couldn't say s he thought raiser or folder and c is why j decided Checker turning s he checkait turning it. The turning point was a 6. There checke and I have checke as expected. The River was a 10. It misa $ 30 in a $ 60. I didn't know what he had. But I told myself that I was representing a weaker hand than j had actually and j decided to caller. He had a pair of 10 in hand. I dominais all along and it hit its 2 outs on the river. Here I thought qu have bet the turn, it would perhaps folde his hand. On the other hand, checker was also much sense. In General, I am satisfied with the way j played this hand and j have posted my BB, ready for the next hand.