Chad Brown is done to remove a cancerous tumor from 10 lbs to the stomach

The Chad Brown, known equally sympathetic as poker player (3.1 million in gain tournaments), commentator and actor, has learned recently that he was suffering from a rare form of cancer and has undergone surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from 10 pounds to his abdomen. It is also known as the fiancé of Vanessa Rousso (whom he had met on the final table in a Five - Star World Poker Classic event), with which they form the most publicized couple of the poker world.

It also via the Vanessa Rousso Twitter that it was possible to learn with surprise, last Saturday, this new: not later that the week earlier, Chad Brown participated in an event at the Commerce Casino in Los Angeles.

The couple expected news during the week, but cancer looks at first glance to a Sarcoma, a rare malignant tumor (representing approximately 1% of cancers) that frequently strikes the children and adults. They develop in soft tissues such as adipose tissue, muscle tissue, the vessels and the peripheral nervous system. If other treatments are necessary, the radiotherapy and chemotherapy may be used with a long term ranging between 40% and 70% survival rate.

The day after his operation, Chad Brown announced on his Twitter: "I want to thank everyone for their great support. It means a lot to me. We crossed the first hurdle as well as one could hope."

Wish good luck to Chad and his Vanessa in this test. You can express your support for Chad Brown on PokerCollectif by clicking the following link: Chad Brown and Vanessa Rousso in headsup against cancer.


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