60fps and a new funding solution for Youtube

YouTube has chosen tonight to announce two exciting changes to their product. The first is that the site will soon be compatible with video at 60 frames per second. The second is that it will soon support a business model that could affect many broadcasters.


With the advent of next generation gaming consoles, providing videos content at more than 30 frames per second is beginning to be more and more popular. If this option is already available in other online video services, YouTube had to follow this trend.

The second change is a new feature that will allow YouTube users to obtain financial support from its viewers themselves. This system of financing, which is connected to the funding of sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Moreover, is not unlike the "Tip Jar" of Vimeo, where Internet users could decide to donate an amount to the creator of content they view.

Here are the Tweets that YouTube has broadcast on this subject: