The regulatory authority (ARJEL for the rest of the article) online games published as of yesterday the results of a survey entitled 'Sociology of online players' available here: study sociology of gamers ARJEL.
This survey provides, for the first time, elements relating to the socio-professional profile of the players, such as level of education, their income level or their family structure.
The study questioned on various aspects of online players. For example, she wondered on what was so that a player was going to play rather than another room. According to the study, the most important factors are:
1 - The confidence that the players have for the game room.
2 - The amount of deposit bonus they will get
3 - The ease of navigation (in short, the quality of the software)
4 - The speed and the reliability of the site (including when withdrawals)
5 - Security of payments
A majority of online players therefore performs comparisons between different gambling sites before choosing a.
"The portrait of the players, the precise study:"the online player is mainly a man, on average 36 years old, and most often used level BAC + 2
Most of the time, the online player lives in concubinage, has no children and is a tenant of its housing. Furthermore, it has, in 64% of cases, a level of monthly net income greater than 1 €500 and €1500 to €2000 in 22% of cases.
It is generally lucid about his gaming activity and awareness of being overall loser when he plays. He spends mostly less than € 50 per month online and consider this activity as a pastime of second plan. In 8 cases out of 10, it has thus set a budget of game that he says do not exceed.
" He most often plays several times a week, evening or weekend, mainly alone and from his home."
According to the players interviewed for this study, 61% have participated in sports wagering, 32% of betting and 53% are poker players.
The study also adds an interesting point: what are "poker players claiming to be the most assiduous online since they are 25% to play every day (compared with 22% of horse bettors and 19% of sports bettors). "40% of the respondents indicate that the online game occupies a marginal place in their hobbies and only 6% of respondents put the game online at the main place of their extra-curricular activities".
You can check the other results of the study at the above-mentioned address.
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