Nothing to do with his relationship with Full Tilt Poker this time. It is rather a story with his ex wife, Luciaetta Ivey, which is talk these last time.
At the end of the year 2009, Phil and Luciaetta divorced amicably. On the other hand, at the beginning of the year 2010, a $ 5000 donation made by Phil Ivey the judge who ruled on his divorce has obviously made chat.
Luciaetta who discovered the existence of this a bit sleazy gift, has hired counsel Bruce Shapiro in March last to clarify this matter.
She has since filed a motion following June so that the divorce be revised. Counsel for Luciaetta, the divorce was not fair and Phil has apparently stopped to pay alimony since last April (month of black friday).
A judge subsequently ruled in this case to reject the request of Ms. Ivey who took the case in Supreme Court in Nevada.
A decision has not been made so far.
According to Luciaetta, Ivey would have contributed to the re-election of judge Gonzalez with a donation of $ 5,000. What she found strange was that Ivey has never brought her supports no other judge. She knew that he had already brought his supports financial campaign of Barack Obama, but to that of another judge ever.
According to her, it is a sufficient gesture to think that the judge in this case was not objective when it rendered its decision.
In this case, we learn that the combined income of the couple for the year 2008 was just over $ 8 million.
Counsel for Phil Ivey, David Chesnoff, given that Ivey receives more revenue on the part of Tiltware LLC, it has more to pay alimony.
This case is still in Court of development and no clear decision has yet been taken. PokerCollectif will keep you informed of future developments.
For more details on this story, we invite you to read the article published in the Las Vegas Review Journal.
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