You surely remember cheating scandal discovered 3 years ago and which featured Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker? Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker, formerly Cereus, were victims of some persons who had "super users" accounts, accounts with which it was possible to see the cards of his opponents.
Since this scandal, the company was bought by Blast Off, a subsidiary of Tokwiro enterprise. She had then received the OK of the eCOGRA which validated the reliability of the software. The software could continue to operate legally and safely.
In May 2010, PTR informed us however of a big security hole in the software (again). Poker collective had also made mention in a new.
The problem was at the level of the cards encryption that was not quite safely. For more details, you can see this video on Youtube:
On Twoplustwo forums of cela a few days ago, appeared precisely document relating to this case of cheating remained silent since 2004. This document comes from Excapa Software.
Document informs us: "Le Groupe Tokwiro Group and its management have recently reported being the victims of an incident"newly discovered"dating back to 2004." An incident that caused the departure of former boss Joe Norton gaming industry".
Today Blast Off should pay Excapsa 130 million and repay each month until 2012 for the redemption of the online poker rooms. On the other hand, because of the scandal, the company privileged reimbursement of players ripped off instead of paying its debts. Note that Tom "durrrr" Dwan is one of between they and had allegedly been to repay the sum of $ 300,000 (the amount is not official). Lot of money for an average player, but little when you consider that Dwan played regularly on the tables of $ 50 / $100.
This case of cheating would not specified in Excapsa during the sale of the company in 2006 to Tokwiro.
Here is the letter in question:
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