Not later than Monday, PokerCollectif informed you that Nevada made legal online poker in its territory!
In this article, we mentioned also the possibility that other States joined Nevada in legalizing poker online, such as New Jersey and Delaware! Today, we learn that New Jersey has followed the example of Nevada to legalize poker turn online! Governor Christie has ratified bill regulating online gaming in this State. Here a few months, the casinos in Atlantic City will be able to offer several online games that they already offered in their land-based casinos.
This is great news for online poker obviously! 3 States that have embarked on the race for the legalization of online poker, New Jersey is the most populous with 8.7 million inhabitants compared to 2.7 M inhabitants to Nevada for example. This new hopefully will be able to revitalize Atlantic City, former capital of the game which has lost a lot of feathers over the past years. Hope that the legalisation of poker online there will have a positive impact on the local economy.
As what mentioned in the previous article, States where online poker is legal will share the same pool of players. A player of Nevada can for example play with a player of New Jersey (now that online poker is legal). Where the importance the more possible States signs a bill along these lines.
In Nevada, we know that PokerStars will be disqualified for five years as a "bad actor". With regard to New Jersey, things look a bit different since PokerStars has already positioned itself by initiating the acquisition of a casino (recall that a partnership with a live actor is essential for a licence).
In Nevada, the gaming tables should see their appearance within a few weeks. With regard to New Jersey, it will have to wait longer, the time that applications are carried out, there is review of records, that software should be considered, in short, that all the long legal and administrative processes is completed.
But it is still a step in the right direction! PokerCollectif will give you more information when the State of Delaware will be decided or not to follow the same voice as the Nevada and New Jersey!
In the meantime, discuss this news on PokerCollectif forums: New Jersey legalized online poker!