A software more has just appeared in the landscape of online poker. It is not really a software to improve his game, but say that it can be used to ease some minds.
In discussing with poker players, it is not uncommon to hear: "I run bad." or "I will never hit my sets to flop." or again "I did not often enough ACEs", etc.
The software PokerProb (still experimental) will be able to reassure you about probabilities. It may also reassure you on the fact that online poker is not rigged (another common link among beginner players). It will tell you by analyzing your database, if yes or no probabilities are met. For example, in theory, you will receive 5.88% of the time a pair preflop. You can check with the software if in fact, you received a pair more or less often than your expectation in the long term. For now, there is only the "pair" category without the possibility to know for example, what % of the time we had AA and what % of the time we had 22, but we hope that with time, this option will be available.
PokerProb is available in a trial version limited to 30 days or paid version ($ 4.95 for a license without expire).
You can download the software at the following address: download the software PokerProb!
Again, it is important to note that this software is experimental version only (there is still much work to be done to make it full) and it works with the database of cash games in version Hold'em Manager 2 on PartyPoker and PokerStars sites.
For less than $ 5, you will get a license good for life. It is far from being an essential software, but may sometimes reassure you when you have the impression of being the unluckiest player of the planet!
Discuss this software on PokerCollectif forums: PokerProb, to check if the statistics are against you!