Public enemy number 1 of poker players and former CEO of Full Tilt Poker, Raymond Jack Bitar, said Ray Bitar, was sentenced to 35 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges that weighed against him relating to the events of Black Friday.
To this day, Ray Bitar is a free man, which has made chat more than one. After all, it is 35 years that he should spend behind bars and not just a few months. Why?
Health problems
One of the key elements in this case is that, according to his lawyer, Ray Bitar has serious heart problems and without care, he will be sentenced to die in the next year. Ray needs care to expect to live longer.
But even with good care and surgery, estimated life expectancy in a few years at most.
Cunningham nuance the comments of critics
Obviously, such a sweet sentence made react more than one who shouted to the conspiracy theory. Indeed, according to these people, Ray would have passed a bluff to get out of jail faster. But what really is?
In an interview, Cunningham, former pro at Full Tilt, explains that according to reliable sources (that it has not disclosed), Ray Bitar has more than a few years to live, even with good care (confirming the information circulating) and that this is not a bluff. In addition, according to Cunningham, Bitar is penniless it will die slowly, poor (it will be recalled that Bitar had to give 18 bank accounts in his name, 4 properties as well as its title to Full Tilt Poker).
In closing, Cunningham said that no one would want to swap his places with Bitar and that, even if he is greatly to blame in this case and he is free today, the karma made him pay.
What do you think of the release from prison of Bitar? Justified?
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