Do you remember probably Chad Elijah, who was part of 11 persons when accusations of April 11, 2011, day of Black Friday?
Chad Elie eventually pleaded guilty to a charge of fraudulent transactions amounting to several hundreds of millions of dollars between 2008 and 2011 for PokerStars, Absolute Poker and Full Tilt Poker. By the same token, he has deceived banks and participated in an illegal activity in the United States, i.e. online poker.
Chad Elie has finally received a sentence of five months in prison and $ 500,000 fine. Accused of bank fraud and money laundering, he chose to plead guilty, thus acknowledging having participated to deceive banks.
Judge Lewis Kaplan said that Elijah "did not care whether what he did was legal'. "In a sense he was playing against the Government, a game like"catch me"If you can. This cannot be ignored", then the online gambling-related transactions were prohibited since 2006 by the UIGEA.
Chad Elie pleaded guilty to lighten his sentence that could go, in the worst cases, to 85 years in prison.
Judge Kaplan in this case comments again, speaking of the accused: "" there was a deliberate disregard or at least recklessness of the criminal responsibility of the U.S. Government and the laws of the United States '. "
Chad Elie said: "I would like to apologize to my family and my friends for the penalty and the disappointment that I caused and I ask them to forgive me".
After John Campos (3 months), Brent Beckley (14 months) and Ira Rubin (3 years, a heavy sentence for the example of the poker community announced the judge), who has confessed to having created sites to launder money was fined as 5 months, 500,000 dollars and two years under court supervision which is fairly light view the potential penalty.
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