In the world of reciprocity, this is not what you do that matters most; It is not what others do not. These are the two. Reciprocity, c is any difference between your opponent and you that affects your final balance. According to reciprocity, when your opponent and you do the same thing in a given situation, money does not fluctuate. C when you do differently that money fluctuates.
You can retrieve l gold of the reciprocal n anywhere in l world of poker. Pick a subject, any where. It can be as general as "the selection of maps" or as specific as "Ace - King in the big blind in limit hold 'em." Looking for l or by identifying these things you could do differently in the future, these things that cause or increase that advantageous differences between your opponent and you, and thus, which will cause the movement of earnings theoretical between you and him.
The theoretical gains do not spend, but they are inspiring. I remember when j heard of this concept for the first time, it s were "expected value". J learned that each bet had two results. The expected result, based on analyses, and the true result, based on the facts.
The theoretical gains m were immediately and effectively obsessed. Everything I wanted to know, was my monetary performance. I wanted to know immediately, directly after the hand. However, I n had no idea of how to determine the real expected value of the d street a hand.
Without awareness at that time, j borrowed a concept from my previous life of bridge player, one that my performance depends entirely on those of others. J therefore came to analyze poker hands d a way that met my needs.
After the end of a hand, j traded places with my opponent. I gave him all my cards and my position, against his own, and then I did an analysis of reciprocity. J imagined how how to play a hand could reverse the scenario. Then I took this imaginary result and compared it to that s was actually produced. Well, I could get an idea who had actually won the hand, in theory.
Sometimes, I couldn't imagine it with precision. However, it happened that I can it, particularly if the hand had few variables and that I found myself in front d familiar opponents.
For example, imagine what a day, j have a pair of Kings in hand and that Joe has a pair d as in hand. We play the hand and Joe wins $ 100 of my pockets. Immediately, j thought the contrary, me having as Joe with the Kings.
In this example, imagine that if j had the pair d as, j would have earned $ 80. L equation is as follows. Joe won $ 100 in reality. J won $ 80 in the reverse scenario j have invented. So, my final balance in this hand is-$20. You can apply this method analysis for each street or each group of streets.
Raccrochons us to this way of thinking and look at the Hold'em starting hands. In reality, as we know, the less profitable starting hand is 7 - 2o while the most profitable is the pair as d. In reciprocity, the less profitable hand is also 7 - 2, but not because 7 - 2o is the worst hand. 7 - 2o is the least profitable hand because c is the one that is played the more similarly every time.
So, what is the most profitable hand according to the reciprocity? What the pair as d? Non. The hand that has the greatest potential of reciprocity must be the hand that played the most differently according to the players. It is located between the hands which are rarely lying and those that are rarely played. ACEs are almost never lying on the flop, so we know what they are not the most profitable hand. On the other hand, it is very unlikely that the most profitable hand is exactly the same for all. The answer varies according to the players. That means that the response we present n is only that a well-informed guess. And then flute! J will go first.
In Hold'em, the hand with which j made the most gains of reciprocity is Q - 10. C is the hand j played differently from my opponents more often.
Until now, j. answered the question: "which is reciprocity? '' In the remainder of this article, I will respond to the questions "where can we find and how we made make a profit?" by examining the reciprocity which applied l information, the position, the bankroll, l abandonment, the tilt and on updates. Bring your bucket and your picks. We will depart from the rush l gold.