Event #6 - the millionaire maker! ($1500)
The 10 finalists of this tournament are now known! At this stage, all players are guaranteed to win at least $ 82,205. The tournament is dominated by Canadian Benny Chen, which was 5.8 M chips! 2 players are below the 1 M of chips with respectively 595,000 tokens for Theron Eichenberger and 550,000 tokens for Upeshka Desilva, 2 Americans.
It should be remembered that the winner of this tournament will win an amount greater than 1 M$! Not bad for a tournament to $ 1500
We will know the winner of this tournament tomorrow! To follow!
Event #7 - Hold'em no limit ($1000)
The Québécois to follow in this tournament yesterday was Jason Bélanger! Unfortunately, after a good start of the day he saw his race stop in 120th place for a purse of $ 2248. At this stage of the tournament, there are 10 players, all Americans. The tournament is dominated by Amit Makhija, which has 1.1 million chips.
The winner of this tournament will win $ 305,952.
Event #8-8 - mixed game ($2500)
20 players are in the tournament! It should be noted that 388 players had taken part in the 8-game tournament. The tournament will resume today and should theoretically find a taker for the bracelet after the day of today ' today! The winner of the tournament will win $ 225,104!
Event #9 - Hold'em Shootout' no limit ($3000)
A maximum of 2000 players was set for this tournament. 477 players took part in this tournament, including several Quebec!
1 only to managed to cross the 1st day and it's none other than Jason "Puppy" Duval! With reason of his table, Jason ensures already $7384. Ending at new 1 of his table, was $ 18,609!
The tournament will resume today. The winner of the bracelet will be known tomorrow night! The winner of this tournament will receive $ 299,486! We wish the best of luck to baby dog on his 2nd day!
Event #10 - Hold'em Limit ($1500)
645 players participated in this tournament ' limit to $ 1500! Among these players, Miguel Proulx who is currently in some chips near the leader in chips! Indeed, the tournament is dominated by the American Thomas Blizniak who has 45,700 tokens while Miguel Proulx is ranked 2nd with 45,100 chips!
The action will resume today and the tournament is scheduled to end tomorrow! If Miguel won this tournament, it would have the right bracelet and the $ 191,605 that goes with it! We wish him the best of luck!
To watch today: obviously the performance of our 2 Quebec, Jason Duval and Miguel Proulx! In addition, a Hold'em Tournament ' no limit is schedule! It is a tournament shorthanded to $ 2500! We will tell you tomorrow if this tournament has attracted several Quebec!
Remember, if you want to report the performance of Quebecers to the 2013 WSOP, you can do so using newsgroups for this purpose:
WSOP 2013: Jason "Baby dog" Duval and Miguel "Mig" Proulx to watch today!