While the official release date for the Xbox One has finally arrived in Japan, it seems that the launch is somehow a monumental flop for Microsoft.
Several photos shared on Twitter shows the total lack of interest for the Xbox One, while the most popular stores are indeed ready to welcome buyers wanting the new console, but the buyers are not at the rendezvous.
Yodobashi Camera and Sofmap stores are among the most popular stores to get the new game consoles during their release. They are accustomed to the launch events and they have provided a location to accommodate waiting buyers, but just two hours before the opening, the places are a no man's land.
[今朝の秋葉原の待機列状況]Xbox ONE発売日だけど、特に見かけず(7:00頃)pic.twitter.com/HiJOUst91C
-ツルミロボ (@kaztsu) 3 September 2014
Xbox one発売日ですけど、ソフマップアミューズメント館さん前には誰もいませんね。 #akiba pic.twitter.com/IZ0hYUSZ58
-akiba_asterisk (*) Z (@akiba_asterisk) 4 September 2014
Finally, a few minutes before the opening, 7 braves fellows shows up... A significant contrast with the launch of the PlayStation 4 a couple months ago.
【Xbox One発売】秋葉原にファンの姿を確認!開店前の秋ヨドに並ぶファンと野外コーナーをフォトレポートhttp://t.co/3N7wM99AE2 #xbox_jp pic.twitter.com/2g6ohg0yLq
-iNSIDE@ライター募集 (@INSIDEjp) 4 September 2014
【Xbox One発売】午前0時の新宿は行列なし、看板すらない店舗もhttp://t.co/FMyAifWYWv pic.twitter.com/fAZ0ixIBj5
-iNSIDE@ライター募集 (@INSIDEjp) 3 September 2014