Dans cette seconde partie sur la sécurité informatique , nous traiterons des logiciels qu'il est souhaitable ( voire essentiel ) to obtain. The majority of these programs are free and very effective and there is no reason not to use them!
The anti-virus:
It is important to have an effective anti-virus and WITH LAST-TO-DAY. There are several very effective free solutions such as AVG (http:// free.avg.com /) or you can go with AVAST antivirus like Symantec Antivirus Corporate, etc.. .) Make sure, again, that you have enabled automatic updates to date and that you have the scheduled scan of your computer at a regular interval: an anti-virus that is outdated is totally unnecessary !
Spyware (also called "adware") are the scourge of the 21st century. It is now more likely to have a Spyware qu'un virus. Ces petits logiciels , généralement faits pour nous faire suer , récoltent de l'information sur vous et retransmit to companies or individuals. This is a huge risk. It regularly happens that free software found on the net under stuffed spyware.
One software fails to remove everything because there are too many types of spyware. AVG Anti-Spyware is a good solution, otherwise free as "Spybot: Search & Destroy" software ( http:// www.safer-networking.org / index2.html ) Malewarebytes Anti-Malware ( http://www.malwarebytes .org / products / malwarebytes_free ) or Adware ( http:// www.lavasoft.com / ) are usually very effective. You can use one of these programs in addition to Windows Defender, so that you will be protected rather than twice one!
Make sure that your software was up-to-date recently and scan at least once a week!
Also not trust the anti-spyware that you do not know: these are often spyware themselves!
A keylogger is a program that has infiltrated your computer and "records" everything you write. Thus, it is possible for an individual who installed a keylogger to see what all you have written. The most advanced of the keylogger will even copy the content you "copy and paste". Il est donc utile d'avoir un logiciel anti-keyloggers qui désactivera les mécanismes traditionnellement utilisés par keyloggers, as does the anti-keylogger-shield of Amictools software. Unfortunately, this program is no longer being free: http:// www.amictools.com / v-anti_keylogger_shield.html
Anti-script software:
For the ultimate in security, the fact of using Firefox in combination with software like "NoScript" prevent scripts non-autorisés d'être executés . Ce logiciel (encore gratuit !) peut être downloadé ici http:// noscript.net /
Software firewalls:
Make sure you use at least the built-in Windows firewall. For something more comprehensive, you can use ZoneAlarm (there is a free version!) or Comodo Firewall (also free ... and I prefer the latter personnellemement)
Software storage word-of-pass:
A program like KeePass ( www.keepass.info ) allow you (even free) to create word-of-random password and save in an encrypted file. We return to this point in the third part of the article.
Outlook Express? :
If you use Outlook Express for your email, consider changing to Office Outlook. Certainly, the program is a little more complicated, but it is at least possible to encrypt your messages. Also, Outlook Office is safer and less let go of virus / spyware / spam / etc.
Spyware detection:
Many essential software is automatically loaded when you start your computer. Unfortunately, sometimes the virus / Trojan disguised as Windows software to go unnoticed. That is why it is important to inspect your registry and various applications running at startup. This is exactly what a program like HiJackThis, you can find free here: http://free.antivirus.com/hijackthis/
As most readers are not techies, it is sometimes difficult to understand the report will HiJackThis. We advise you to copy and paste the report on a site like this: http://www.hijackthis.de/ . This website will analyze your report and highlight potential errors.
Detection of spyware / virus / malware:
Seccheck is a Windows software to detect malicious applications, backdoors, trojans and other unwanted software. Recommend you follow the steps in "MyNetWatchman" thus help you detect unwanted software: http://www.mynetwatchman.com/tools/sc/
So many light software, efficient and (for pluparts) Free to better protect you. There is no reason not to be using them!