Comparison between Hold'Em Manager vs. PokerTracker.
Many products available to poker players exist. These include analysis of database software are probably essential for all serious poker players. This is especially true for players who multitablent.
Both products are at the top in this essential category: Hold'em (HEM) Manager and PokerTracker (PT). What software between Hold'Em Manager and PokerTracker is the best? Which should you choose? PokerCollectif attempts to answer this question for you! Let the fight begin!
Round 1: variations and game types supported:
Hold 'Em Manager supports only Omaha and Hold' Em, PokerTracker won the duel in this category also supporting stud. PokerTracker is also working on a version supporting the mixed games, then that Hold'Em Manager does not seem to want to embark on this path.
If you are a stud player, so the answer is easy: go with PokerTracker! If not, proceed to round 2.
Round 2: supported online poker rooms:
Two software support substantially all the same sites. Virtually all the major networks are supported by HEM and PT3. The only differences are on the side of Hold'Em Manager that also supports PKR and Everleaf. PokerTracker, for its part, has only WSEX as exclusive site.
If you play on WSEX, Everleaf or PKR, the answer is simple! Otherwise, whereas PKR and Everleaf are most important networks that WSEX, HoldEm Manager has a very slight advantage in this category. Round 3!
Round 3: Interface:
All Hold'Em Manager that PokerTracker have a simple and efficient interface. At this level, everything is matter of personal taste. As each software offers a free trial version, remember to install two software and compare. You're maybe going favorite one better than the other.
Equality between the two level of the interface software. Take the round 4!
Round 4: Installation & features
Both programs are practically equivalent. As each computer is different, and some users will perhaps the difficulties to install either of these software and others find that one is faster than the other.
Both programs now use the same database management software (PostgreSQL); formerly, HEM was faster than PokerTracker, but there is more difference between the two software now
Equality! Take in the 5th round!
Round 5: Support and updates
The speed with which HEM / PT react when the different-updates of the online poker rooms is paramount. If an online poker site is a major update- and that this update prevents HEM / PT work, it is important that corrections be made quickly. At this level, all PokerTracker HoldEm Manager usually make corrections in less than 24 hour.
At the level of customer service, both software have a moderated forum where questions and problems are quickly taken over.
Once again, it is a tie between two software! That round 6 begins!
Round 6: software "Add-on"
All Hold'Em Manager that PokerTracker offers the possibility to add software "add - on" which are directly integrated on your HEM / PT.
On the side of HoldEm Manager, it is possible to integrate LeakBuster (analysis of your game software), Table Ninja (multitabling automation software), TableScanner (software for the selection of table), HoldEm Vision (software for graphical analysis of players) or SitNgo Wizard (software coaching for tournaments). These software integrate with Hold'Em ManagerComme this software work with HoldEm Manager, so you can use all these software together using only Hold'Em Manager.
On the side of PokerTracker, only 'TableTracker' (a tool for the selection of table) is available.
For gamers who prefer more options, wishing to Hold'Em Manager seems to have an advance to the level of the Add - on .Passons to round 7!
Round 7: compatibility with MAC
PokerTracker is available for users running MAC. Side Hold'Em Manager, software operation only in a PC environment, and for the moment, this isn't in the plans of HEM to provide compatibility for MAC.
For MAC users, PokerTracker is a good step ahead at this level. Hold'Em Manager works even on MAC if you use ' BootCamp, or 'VMware', but MAC users will necessarily tend to want to stay in a MAC environment and lean to PokerTracker.
PokerTracker is a good step ahead at the level of the MAC compatibility! Round 8!
Round 8: Trial Version
To better compare two software, a version of try is available both from the side of HEM the side PT.
Hold'Em Manager offers a 15-day unrestricted trial version.
PokerTracker offers a 60-day trial version. This version has some restrictions: you may not create more than one database (this option is useful only to the players before a broad Bank of data; in 60 days, you will not need this function); also, you won't be able to create new custom statistics (anyway, initially, it would be surprising that you are so uncomfortable with PokerTracker to be able to create your own statistics).
PokerTracker has so a small advance to the level of its trial version, despite some limitations that would have been unnecessary anyway for new users.
Round 9: price
The full version of PokerTracker retails for $ 90, while the full version of Hold'Em Manager retails for $ 80.
Two software offer a version limited to smaller limits. For NLHE playing the try or less players or players $ 11 or less, PokerTracker offers its microstake version at $ 45.
On the side of Hold'Em Manager, it is 50nl players or players at $ 22 or less who can enjoy the small limits-limited version. The price is $ 55.
Small limits players so a slight advantage to use PokerTracker, but they will more quickly to upgrade to the full version. High limit players have a slight advantage to use Hold'Em Manager.
The price difference is so minimal that there are proclaimed equality between the two software at this level. Take the last round!
Round 10: future
This round is a bit more subjective. The main reason why HoldEm Manager exists today, it is that PokerTracker long "sat on their own success". Hold'Em Manager was able to reach the market with a more comprehensive product, better meet the growing needs of poker players. Fortunately, PokerTracker has reacted quickly by launching version 3 of its software.
The team behind HoldEm Manager nevertheless seems more proactive and more original than their counterparts. HEM has always been recognized as a software stable and fast, while PokerTracker has experienced some problems at times in its history.
HEM are in constant development and always seems to be ahead of their counterparts. For this reason, the benefit goes to HEM in this category!
Now place the final verdict!
FINAL VERDICT: which to choose?
Unless you are in a special category (MAC users, for Stud players or players on a non-compliant network with one of the two software), the choice between PokerTracker or HoldEm Manager is simply a matter of preference and I invite you to use the trial version of the software. All PokerTracker and Hold'Em Manager are solid software and, regardless of your choice, you will not regret your purchase.
If PokerCollectif absolutely had to decide this fight, our choice would probably stop on Hold'Em Manager. The number of supported sites, possible additions and the reputation of speed and stability of the software therefore our balance slightly towards the choice of HoldEm Manager. We also believe that the future looks much better for HoldEm Manager.
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